It was a privilege to attend and present at the Fulbright conference in Kolkata. Words can't describe the beauty and comfort of the hotel or the deliciousness of the food, so pictures will have to suffice. Here are some videos too: Here is a compilation of the evening entertainment,...
To connect with my Fulbright project and to initiate email introductions to students from my home school in Los Angeles, Millikan Middle school, please fill out this form. It's best if your teacher and/or parent is included with me on all the emails you exchange with my students, so we can supervise and...
Huge thanks to Gayathri Tirthapura and husband and daughter Anusha for hosting a workshop in their home that really facilitated my Fulbright project. The Saturday was workshop #2 and by the end I was making videos to share with my students. The reality of my ambitious project is that it...
The Valley School is Krishnamurti Foundation school, where Fulbrighter Marina Basu works and I very much wanted to visit. Fortunately I was able to stay the night at the Learning Center and take some time to absorb the quiet beauty of the land. It is a special place, no doubt...
Visiting the Jain Public School was an experience I will never forget. The Principal was so welcoming and they had prepared their best lecture hall AV room and packed it with students. They asked for a presentation on the Effects of Urbanization and they got an extremely eclectic version of...
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