Thrill seeking
Over the years I've discovered that I'm a bit of a "peak freak" who likes to be up in the highest place to have a look around. I was fortunate to be selected for this Zero G flight for teachers. https://youtu.be/yTZPo37BFc0 Gliding over the waterfalls of Hana on Maui inspired...

Introduction to Independent Schools
In preparation for the challenge I've accepted to raise my game as an educator, I invested in this online course offered by OneSchool. In addition to joining a cohort of teachers making similar transitions, I was able to learn from instructor Peter Gow in ways that will benefit me and...

LA Weekly profile unedited
Back in February right after the teacher strike, the LA Weekly ran a profile on teachers that included me. I wanted to share here the full answers I gave to the prompts. In bold is what got printed, in italics is what was edited. Garry Joseph: In his 15th year...

Fulbright Presentation
For everyone who ever wanted to know MUCH more about my Fulbright project in India, here are the presentations I submitted. Originally these were narrated and put to video, but I had to downgrade them to static power points. If you read the notes for each slide, you can see...

Inventing Tomorrow film review
Been wanting to see this film since I heard the buzz about it screening earlier this year at Sundance. It is a documentary about students who enter the Intel sponsored ISEF, International Science and Engineering Fair. I was drawn to the film due to my interest in science fairs and...

What’s New in Educational VR
What’s new in educational VR? Not that much in the classroom practical sense. Unless your school has an insane budget there’s still no way for a group of students to experience VR the way it’s meant to be. For parents with the means, a VR headset and computer can provide...

Summer Time to Reflect: Prologue
Like most new year's resolutions, my drive to write several times a week dissolved in the more pressing concerns of survival. I've survived the scrapes and battles of this most difficult school year, and have now granted myself several weeks to take inventory, sleep in, prepare for more war, and...
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