© 2025 — Garry Joseph

English Class at Manzil NGO

A missed tour the previous day led to the good fortune to meet up with Delhi By Locals travel entrepreneur and really nice guy Pradeep Goyal. He invited me to sit in an informal English class for locals and I had a great time.  The master teacher was extremely generous with sharing the “stage” as I prattled on about the nature of science and got all geeked up about that. After the class I hung out for chai and saw some of the other classes being run by the NGO before walking around touristy India Gate and back for a quick nap before rejoining this crew at Lodhi Gardens for Ultimate Frisbee, which I am entirely out of shape to do, but I gave it a go.

This was a very short ride on the back if a scooter on a quiet sunday which is why we weren’t wearing helmets, tomorrow of course we would!



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