© 2025 — Garry Joseph

Inside the Cell simulations

There are many more space travel and astronomy type experiences and games in VR but next I want to show one of the “inner space” experiences that gives a sense of what is possible in VR. A challenge educators will face is how to craft the content so that it is not too much like a converted textbook or lecture. This app has just enough content pushed at the user, but we will need methods to individualize the experience to the student’s level.

Again the video is a very pale comparison to actually doing the experience in VR and is only meant to show the content and style of the app. The whole trip starting from the bloodstream into a blood cell, nucleus and back out again takes about 15 minutes, I have divided it up into four parts.

After the Inside the Body simulation I’ve posted some gameplay from something called “InCell”. This one has a bit too little content for my liking, and can really make you dizzy after a few minutes. Nevertheless it is pretty fun to travel inside the cell structures and marvel at the inner world. The responsibilities of dodging the viruses didn’t capture my interest, but I can imagine that the dynamic could be utilized to teach biology content similar to how Cell Craft and Cell Command do so successfully.

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