Leilani's Mini-Broadway Bootcamp "Mini Broadway bootcamp is a small musical theatre workshop that collects participants on a volunteer basis. My passion is musical theatre and I wanted to try to go behind the curtain and see other jobs to do in musical theatre." Riona's "Never Give Up" "I'm making... Justin's Summer Camp "I want to send kids to camp so they can have fun and potentially get a rag/leather." Nathan's Video Game Charity "Well at first I wanted to make a cool refrigerator app to help people but I do not have the technical knowledge to make... Sophie's Animations "I decided to create an animated book. I believe by seeing short animations instead of pictures, someone can understand a story better." Sam's 3D Art "My project is attempting to draw attention to 3-d art. 3-d art is very interesting to me and I want... Vivian's Mneomonicor "My passion was technology, so I decided to make an app! Mnemonicor is a studying app that generates mnemonic devices for any subject." Sophie's Lingoland "My project is creating slides on HyperStudio or coming up with a sophisticated plan for my app, LingoLand. I have always wanted...
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