© 2025 — Garry Joseph

Student Projects: Apps

Vivian’s Mneomonicor “My passion was technology, so I decided to make an app! Mnemonicor is a studying app that generates mnemonic devices for any subject.”

Sophie’s Lingoland “My project is creating slides on HyperStudio or coming up with a sophisticated plan for my app, LingoLand. I have always wanted to be bilingual or even trilingual and I want to help others learn languages in a fun way.”

Shailen’s Life Hacks “It is a website that shows life hacks. It also has no ads.”

Savannah’s Scorch App:  Find a workout buddy to have more fun and be safe.

Jack’s Percussion App “It is an app with lessons about how to read and play the notes from a student’s perspective.”

Eugene’s PEPSHI app “I am working on P.E.P.S.H.I which stands for Prototype Electric Pulse that Stops Hackers Intelligently.”

Emily’s Recipe Donor app “My passion is baking and my invention is to let people get recipes and order food for regular cooking and not only baking.”

Charles’ Tanex Language Trainer app  “This app helps you with learning and translating other languages.”

Alexander’s Sports App “My project is about creating an app to help people around the world learn sports in a fun way.My passion is sports and many people have that passion also.”

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