© 2025 — Garry Joseph

Student Projects: Inventions/DIY

Chris’s RC Car

Christian’s Minipack “My project is to make a book cover that has handles and pouches to make it easier to carry around your things around school without injuring your back. My passion was learning.”

David’s Electric Paper Airplane

Hayk’s Smart Pouch 

Jack’s game “Timeless” “My project is a game, where you have mixed numbers and you haft to count with a time limit. Example, 3 7 2 6 9 4 1 5 8 10. count to 10 in 10 seconds.”

Jacob’s You’ve Got Mail  “A sensor that sends a signal to an app. I want it to help prevent mail theft.”

Jeff’s Sleepymajig “My project is a headrest you can fit in your pocket. I made this project because i can never take my headrest on trips because it doesn’t fit in my pocket.”

Mae’s Spiderweb Decorations  “I love Halloween decorations. So I am making a safer spider web decoration using yarn and a balloon.”

Nick’s Anti-Loitering Camera

Rachel’s Finger Shields “This project is meant to be used as a finger protector in the form of a glove, but it will protect your whole hand but be flexible enough to sew. I got this idea because I love to sew for myself and my birds, but I always end up pricking myself.”

Sidney’s Vitagum “Vitagum is a gum with vitamins for different purposes and yummy flavors. My passion was singing but I changed it to chewing gum because I love to chew gum too.”

William’s Truth-o-Meter “Are you sick of being lied to? My product will stop the lies with the household lie detector. It is small and fits in a drawer. It will change the world.”

Zoe’s Floating Goggles “I am making goggles that do not sink. I chose this item because I have gone through experiences when swimming and my goggles fall off my head and sink to the bottom of the pool and I can’t get them.”

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