So I spent the day at the USIEF headquarters in Delhi serving on the selection committee for the Fulbright English Teaching Assistant program. It was truly an honor to participate even though it took me many hours to read and score each one before the meeting. Now I now a...
After resting for a day, it was time to meet up with fellow Fulbright DAT Valentin Dumitrascu who arrived in Delhi from Bangalore just as I am going in the other direction. To make it special, I arranged a tour through my wonderful new Delhi By Locals friend Pradeep through...
Suppose it was inevitable that I would be afflicted by traveller's diarrhea sooner or later. Today was that fateful day, I was planning to just chill and catch up on the blog but felt too icky to even do that. It was definitely the chicken - so delicious at the...
An amazing day almost didn't happen as I couldn't get an Uber and had to use my negotiation skills to make it to the appointment I had with Chong Shimray. She didn't have much time, but somehow allowed me to stay there and connect with some pretty awesome colleagues way...
Scored an invite as a delegate at this gigantic trade show and conference. Super interesting to learn about Indian perspectives on the continuing tech revolution. Had my challenges finding the venue and didn't really connect with anyone there, but was able to walk over to the Science Center and spend...
First a snapshot of a typical morning in Safdarjung Enclave. The wailing of the vegwallahs takes some getting used to. After that intense day of sightseeing, I just planned on meeting up with Pratiksha whom I met in DC before she started her Fulbright trip. She's been great at helping...
Full on tourist day, really well organized by Pradeep and Geetu. On the way to Agra stopped at an agriculture based little village, it was like being an alien visitor to your own planet. From there it was a long ride to Agra, the entire way there and back I...
Up super early for this adventurous whirlwind tour through a fascinating but intimidating area. Here are two sped up videos, one from my iphone and the other from a biker who agreed to wear the gopro. Thanks Pradeep and Geetu and the other felllas whose names I forgot- it was unforgettable!...
A missed tour the previous day led to the good fortune to meet up with Delhi By Locals travel entrepreneur and really nice guy Pradeep Goyal. He invited me to sit in an informal English class for locals and I had a great time. The master teacher was extremely generous...
Like these other "catch up" posts, hope the pictures tell as much of the story of this remarkable day, feasting the senses on artistic expressions. Thanks for the VIP pass hookup Rhea!
This school treated me the nicest, sent a driver and really went all out to make me feel welcome and collaborate. The Principal Surjeet Khanna and wonderful teacher coordinator Geetika Mehta made this my favorite school visit so far.
One more visit, this time a much fuller tour and access into science classes. It's wedding season over here and there are large noisy weddings just about every night all around.
From an auto ride to meeting up with Smitri Sharma to see what real Indian schools look like. Caught these kids being kids:
Today was a full day planned at Sanskriti beginning in the teacher lounge where everyone shares food. Wandering around the school I came across some students learning and practicing a science song. I saw a little of either an assembly or PE or was it both? Here are a bunch...
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