To connect with my Fulbright project and to initiate email introductions to students from my home school in Los Angeles, Millikan Middle school, please fill out this form. It's best if your teacher and/or parent is included with me on all the emails you exchange with my students, so we can supervise and...
Huge thanks to Gayathri Tirthapura and husband and daughter Anusha for hosting a workshop in their home that really facilitated my Fulbright project. The Saturday was workshop #2 and by the end I was making videos to share with my students. The reality of my ambitious project is that it...
I was honored (and challenged) to give a presentation at the Science Centre during their Innovation Faire. It was great to have a chance to develop my speaking skills, I still have a long ways to go but there's only one way to learn, right? I'm not much of a... Alex's Skater Glove Chaelin's Ankle Brace Sock "I want every sports player to play safe without getting injured (spraining ankles)." Evan's Batting Tee Hayden's Carry-All Strap Jayden's Score Brush Kendall's Radar Gun "I love baseball and I wanted to create a cheap app that... Mischa's Mechanical Cat "My project is a program that makes mechanical cats that are non-allergenic and look exactly like real cats. I love cats and I want everyone to experience the joy of a cat." Kylie's Robot Dahlia's PARTi Robot "The PARTi Robot is an autonomous robot... Giselle's Guitar "I want to help people that don't quit how to play the guitar. It will help people who aren't right handed or for people who don't have two arms. Jordan's Self Playing Recorder "I am making an automatic recorder. My passion was jazz band but making... Chris's RC Car Christian's Minipack "My project is to make a book cover that has handles and pouches to make it easier to carry around your things around school without injuring your back. My passion was learning." David's Electric Paper Airplane Hayk's Smart Pouch Jack's... Lauren's Super Storm Net Guilia's Brain Damage Test David's Sprinkler System "A fire sprinkler system that puts fires out for you." Alejandro's Climate Change Campaign Robert's Convection Model "My project is a device that can create wind and power a light bulb. One of my biggest passions is science and I think it is cool to watch heat make wind." Chris Power Spinner "My project are miniature windmills that are attached to the K-rails... Rahul's Business Plan. "My project is to teach children coding in the future. I like coding and take coding classes." Molly's Book Huntress "I want to make a website that will allow people to find books with good ratings that they enjoy. It would also find links to libraries... Leilani's Mini-Broadway Bootcamp "Mini Broadway bootcamp is a small musical theatre workshop that collects participants on a volunteer basis. My passion is musical theatre and I wanted to try to go behind the curtain and see other jobs to do in musical theatre." Riona's "Never Give Up" "I'm making... Justin's Summer Camp "I want to send kids to camp so they can have fun and potentially get a rag/leather." Nathan's Video Game Charity "Well at first I wanted to make a cool refrigerator app to help people but I do not have the technical knowledge to make... Sophie's Animations "I decided to create an animated book. I believe by seeing short animations instead of pictures, someone can understand a story better." Sam's 3D Art "My project is attempting to draw attention to 3-d art. 3-d art is very interesting to me and I want... Vivian's Mneomonicor "My passion was technology, so I decided to make an app! Mnemonicor is a studying app that generates mnemonic devices for any subject." Sophie's Lingoland "My project is creating slides on HyperStudio or coming up with a sophisticated plan for my app, LingoLand. I have always wanted...
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