© 2025 — Garry Joseph

Workbench Projects Makerspace

Today I made the first of what would be several visits to Workbench Projects, the fierce Maker Space created by Anupama and Pavan in the heart of Bangalore. The energy of the people working and hanging out was absolutely infectious, and it turns out Anu has a keen interest in education and connections to help me in the door of more interesting and diverse schools.

You can also get great food and coffee there so it is really an oasis!

Cool fire fighting drone project I was able to suggest using a heat thermal device to connect to a cell phone for authentic thermal imaging on a shoestring. Even though I am not a techie and knew nothing about the project, just being able to check it out, ask questions and suggest ideas gave me a sense of how we can make the world a better place. We just have to open doors and learn to talk with each other.

Anu works with a group of Tamil speaking students from RBANMS Govindammal Higher Primary School and they are doing a cultural puppet show and coming over to Workbench after school to rehearse and prepare for it. While we could hardly communicate, it was great fun interacting and hanging out.

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